Knee high Compression Stockings roll down because I have a large calf. What should I do?

Sometimes knee high compression stockings can roll down the leg if you have a large calf. Here are a few things you can do to fix that!

When your stockings don’t fit well, always double check your measurements and sizing. If your measurements and sizing not correct, or outdated, the stocking will not fit well and may slide down or roll.

Next, you’ll want to check to see if your compression stocking is old. If it’s been about 6 months, then you’ll want to replace them. After 6 months, compression stockings lose their strength and can slide down your leg.

A good thing to have on your knee high compression stockings is a beaded silicone top band. Knee high compression stockings with silicone top bands will grip the top of the calf and prevent any sliding or rolling. You want to wear the silicone border the same way you would wear the top band of a regular knee high. Don’t pull the silicone up into your knee. Make sure it stops below the back of the bend of your knee.

Also, be sure to use donning gloves for compression stockings when putting on your knee highs and spread the material out evenly on your leg. This will help ensure that your compression stocking is properly put on your leg.